The EPA (European Police Association) is a non-profit association created in 1995 in Brussels.
Apolitical, the association brings together officials from European countries with police competences (police officers, gendarmes, customs officers), as well as members of the EU and NATO security services. They have the title of adherent member.
Civilians can be added as sympathetic members under conditions.
Our goals:
- to encourage and establish fraternity links between the members, to encourage exchanges between members of the association
and their families, to encourage exchanges of information and experience between European police officers;
- provide useful information on safety-related matters through a magazine and news flash;
- organise and participate in meetings, conferences and seminars, as well as events bringing together police and the public, in particular
between sympathising members and adherents;
- stimulate a spirit of openness and a European police culture.
Our motto: Fraternitas.
Board of Directors:
President: Paul CIRINO
General coordination, management Members, events, relations with delegates,...
Secretary: André DECORTE
Meeting minutes, production and mailing of membership cards, editing and dispatch of the
Magazine and newsletters, website, sending items from the shop,...
Treasurer: Salvatore SITA
Account management, budget, balance sheet,...
The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a 5-year term.
They carry out their duties entirely on a voluntary basis.
Founder: Pierre DENONNE (+)
Head office :
Rue du Panier Vert 34
Contact :
Bank account : IBAN BE60 7320 3723 0570 BIC : CREGBEBB
In charge of missions:
Webmaster : Didier MISSON
Secretarial assistance : Gisèle MAGNERY
Shop : Lisette DE BRAUWER - Alfred DE BOLLE
Statutes (french langage)
Rules of procedure : will be published at a later date (modification in progress).
National and regional delegates